I have another ceremony reading for you guys today -one of Pablo Neruda’s beautiful love poems. If you want an idea of just how powerful and moving these words are spoken aloud, take a look here at this incredible movie scene from French film director Gilles Bourdos. I have to admit to being a die-hard romantic so i just about swooned!
“Sonnet LXXXI” by Pablo Neruda
And now you’re mine. Rest with your dream in my dream.
Love and pain and work should all sleep, now.
The night turns on its invisible wheels,
and you are pure beside me as a sleeping amber.
No one else, Love, will sleep in my dreams. You will go,
we will go together, over the waters of time.
No one else will travel through the shadows with me,
only you, evergreen, ever sun, ever moon.
Your hands have already opened their delicate fists
and let their soft drifting signs drop away;
your eyes closed like two gray wings, and I move
after, following the folding water you carry, that carries
me away.
The night, the world, the wind spin out their destiny.
Without you, I am your dream, only that, and that is all.